Tuesday, May 10, 2016

yes, yes they do.

After reading this question I did some research about this topic and I believe that yes, the hearings absolutely have the right to hold a hearing if they feel comfortable to do so. I believe they should do a confirmation hearing on Judge Garland just so they can say what is on there mind instead of feeling like they are useless and serve no purpose in this situation.

Also, don’t forget the fact that all of these people in the senate will have to work with guy for a few years, and if that is the case they should absolutely deserve a hearing just to see if the man can fit in the group if anything. The Supreme Court is very, very important to this country and if some drama and serious arguments start to happen in our Supreme Court and serious issues start taking a while to be solved this country could be in severe trouble. I’m not saying this guy is going to be a terrible person to put in the Supreme Court by any means, I just believe that the people already there deserve the right to hold a confirmation hearing on any man or woman who could be the next person in.

The Internet >

            Personally I believe that the Internet is one of the most useful things we have today in this world. I know that the Internet can be used for many terrible things such as useless video games that kids play for hours, being able to buy almost any illegal thing you need, or pornography.
            Without the Internet today we as a country would be in shambles, much of our business comes from the Internet nowadays and the internet also can be very useful to anyone who is curious about just anything. Many times my friends and I will get in arguments and instead of arguing for hours we’ll eventually just Google it and that will solve our problem right there. Also with school multiple times I would’ve been in big trouble not being able to contact a teacher, but thanks to emails I always have a chance to ask a teacher a question when I need to.

            Im not saying the internet is perfect, because it simply is not. What I am saying is that we as a country truly need the internet more than we can even fathom.

Monday, May 9, 2016

You get a vote, and you get a vote, but not you.

After reading The Truth Of America’spost I highly agree with them on some of the things they have said. It truly is a shame that 600,00 people really can’t vote just because they have the wrong I.D’s but yet still have to pay taxes like every other American. This honestly kind of disappointed me in this country for letting this be allowed, if we as a country are “land of the free” than how come some of the free can’t vote? There reason for not allowing this is such a joke as well as my fellow classmate said, “There reason for not passing this is because they say it would confuse the poll workers and will change the voting rules because is so close to the election. Just like the writer said I really do not know much about the poll workers, but in my opinion if you are working the polls that makes arguably the biggest decision in this country ever four years, you should be able to do small things such as this.

Gun Control

I’m writing my paper on Casey Knodel's paper he wrote in stage five. I thought he wrote this paper very well and I agree with many of the things he is saying. Throughout this article his main topic is gun control, and one of the things I really loved about what he said is all the jobs it brings in. in a economy like we are in today us Americans know it can be troubling to find a job at time, and if we make gun control even harder than it already is or even get rid of it than many jobs could be destroyed and many hard working people’s careers along with that. He has a statistic that says, “the average industry worker now receives $50,180” that’s a good paying job for a lot of people who had trouble finding work at the time, so if we get rid of guns and allowing people to have them this could seriously not only hurt the economy but many people’s lives. He also mentions how this is our second amendment which is a great point, and I know this is a little bit of a stretch but if you take away our second amendment who knows someday they might take away our right of speech as well..

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

No Journalist can be trusted

            This very interesting article was written about a man named Hassan Hanafi who used to be a very respected journalist that was until people out he was working for Al-Shabaab terrorist group. This man who was such a respected journalist working in Somalia got caught using his media connections to spy on and betray other journalists that he used to work with. He would give other journalist false information, and even was convicted of assassinations. After being convicted of assassinations he got put on death trial, which his last words were, “today, I’m being killed in the way I chose, which was to die for the sake of Allah. I don’t fear execution”. 
            Hassan worked for Holy Quran radio as a reporter and news broadcaster from 2003 to 2005 before grouping up joining Al-Shabaab, but four years later they overtook that radio station and put out airwaves of what they were going to do. When this got found out so did Hassan working for this group. He wasn’t only caught working for this group but he was a senior commander in the battlefields and even got promoted to midlevel militant commander.

            He got away doing this for years, which is really such a shame. This man who should be putting out the terrible things this group does, was actually working for them the whole time doing all the bad things they do. This honestly makes me scared for this world that people can do such a thing as he even got quoted saying, “I personally killed one journalist, and that was Sheikh Nur abkey, while the four other were murdered by my fellow fighters” when I read this I honestly didn’t think it could be true. This man got his fellow journalist killed and even killed one for this awful group. If this dosent truly scare everyone in this world I really don’t know what will.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

medical spending

I recently read an interesting article on CNN about Obama trying to fight the drug war and use of opioid epidemics. This article goes through the things Obama and the U.S want to do to try to shut down the use of this terrible drug. This is not going to be cheap to do but I believe this is a serious problem that we as a country need to do whatever to fix it.
            This leading cause of unintentional death for Americans has risen 14 percent from 2013 to 2014. Doctors are saying with medication help with drugs such as methadone and buprenorphine is a serious way to get rid of this terrible drug usage. Doctors are also saying that these patients that start taking drugs that help and start to see therapist make a huge improvement in weeks. The doctors that did prescribe these drugs were only allowed to sell them to 100 people, but Obama just passed a law to 200 people, which will make a huge difference.
            The White House just announced adding 11 million dollars to go toward state efforts on expanding this medicine. Then to add another 94 million in new funding’s for new treatment services. So after spending almost 100 million dollars on this problem I truly believe that it will all be worth it and could seriously help this country with a serious problem.
