I’m writing my paper on Casey Knodel's paper he wrote in stage
five. I thought he wrote this paper very well and I agree with many of the
things he is saying. Throughout this article his main topic is gun control, and
one of the things I really loved about what he said is all the jobs it brings
in. in a economy like we are in today us Americans know it can be troubling to
find a job at time, and if we make gun control even harder than it already is
or even get rid of it than many jobs could be destroyed and many hard working
people’s careers along with that. He has a statistic that says, “the average
industry worker now receives $50,180” that’s a good paying job for a lot of
people who had trouble finding work at the time, so if we get rid of guns and
allowing people to have them this could seriously not only hurt the economy but
many people’s lives. He also mentions how this is our second amendment which is
a great point, and I know this is a little bit of a stretch but if you take
away our second amendment who knows someday they might take away our right of speech
as well..
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